Home Security Cameras and How They Can Protect You

Protecting your home and loved ones is important. Sometimes it’s not always easy or practical to ask your neighbours, family or friends to watch your house while you’re away.

Instead of relying on and nagging your relatives, neighbours or friends to watch your place, home security cameras can provide a fantastic alternative that can be easy to use, effective and can notify you quickly of any problems at your property.

Modern cameras act as deterrents and have a range of features including the ability to capture footage of anyone attempting to break into your home, detect motion, notify you immediately if someone has been detected (informing you by text, email or various communication options), record and output audio, capture nighttime footage, display their video feed via web or phone access, communicate with Smart Home systems (such as Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant) and store footage on the cloud.

Ensuring Your Home Security Cameras Are Setup Properly

Cameras can fail when a user doesn’t set them up properly. We’ve seen it happen before, potentially leading to painful situations for occupant’s of properties when burglars take advantage of this, robbing them right under their inactive or improperly setup cameras with no useful footage gained.

When installing security cameras at home, make sure you tick all the boxes needed to a secure setup:

  • Ensure that all entries are covered.
  • Any motion sensing features are tuned appropriately.
  • That the cameras capture images at night and of a high quality.

This can be challenging and time consuming, plus many DIY systems can be poor performers when it comes to actual quality capturing of footage. If you’re serious about home security, then contacting a certified professional to efficiently and effectively install a system that suits your home can yield many benefits, piece of mind that it works properly being one of them.

Find the camera that suits your home by contacting our professional team at Twenty First Security. We aim to provide you with the best industry advice and products, backed by over 3 decades of experience in Australia.

Call us now on 1300 315 522 or send your enquiry to find out more.

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